Workshop Painting

What is the workshop about

Are you looking for an afternoon out with new and old friends, connect to interesting people? Do you want to have fun in life? Did you always wanted to be able to paint, but never started it? Then book this workshop.

We are so excited to invite you to join us in this painting workshop. Prior knowledge of painting or drawing is not necessary, we start from scratch. In one afternoon, Luc Borms will teach you how to paint your first masterpiece. Step by step! At the end of the day we organize an exhibition of your work, with reception. You can invite family and friends. And of course, you can take your painting home, it's yours!

We keep our class size small (max 10 participants) to allow individual attention for each student. You don't need to buy all your own supplies, we provide everything you need.

Join us at this adventure, learn new things and grow.

"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

About the venue

Gabriel House is beautiful old Natchez house with vintage character and charm located in the Downriver Historic District of Natchez, Mississippi. Gabriel house has a rich history and that shows. It has been lovingly renovated from a state of total disrepair. It is furnished with many unique and antique pieces. In the basement you can find "Gabriel House Blues", a beautiful venue in the old Juke Joint tradition.

Who is Luc Borms

Luc Borms is from Belgium but has been playing the blues all his life.
Luc is a versatile musician, but especially excellent harmonica player. He is already 30 years active in the Blues music scene, playing with many blues and folk bands. He has been traveling Mississippi for the past 7 years, playing music with YZ Ealey, Brint Anderson, Blind Mississippi Morris, Jimmy Mayes, Eddie Cusik, Kern Pratt, Eden Brent and Dave Sherman and wrote several book about it.
The theme of blues music is reflected in his paintings. You can find some examples below. Look at more of his artwork here.

Practical Date & Price

Date: Sunday, July 8 from 1.30 to 5 pm - exhibition starts at 6 pm
Price: $ 60 - all supplies & reception included


Gabriel House
20 Briel av. 
Natchez, MS

Contact Jackie for booking